
A wizard built on jQuery and Bootstrap

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Provides an implemenation of a UI wizard built on jQuery and Bootstrap. It takes care of the plumbing for moving back and forth between steps, validation, hooks for key events, etc.


The project was built on the following. It does nothing fancy and will probably work with all future versions:

  • jQuery 2.2.4
  • Bootstrap 3.3.6


The use bootstrap-wizard in your project, include the following:

  • wizard.css
  • wizard.min.js


The wizard depends on structured HTML to define the wizard and the steps for it. The order of the steps presented is defined by the order of the divs within the wizard. The wizard itself is defined by the wizard class and each step is defined by the wizard-step class.


Automatic initialization based on css class is not supported. Chances are that every wizard will need to supply some initialization options. To initialize a wizard, use JavaScript passing the options. The following are the default options:

Name Default Description
title Empty Displayed as the title of the wizard. This title can be overridden by step titles if the step has the data-title attribute.
validators null An array of objects used to validate steps. Each object is {step:1, validation: function(){}}. See Custom Validation.
onSubmit null A function called when the Submit button is clicked
onReset null A function called when the wizard is closed or completed. The purpose of this event is to reset all elements in the wizard.
onCancel null A function called when the wizard is canceled. This happens when the Cancel button is clicked, the "X" button in the header is clicked or the Escape key is pressed.
onClose null A function called when the wizard is closed
onOpen null A function called when the wizard is opened
previousText << Back The text of the Previous button
nextText Next >> The text of the Next button
submitText Submit The text of the Submit button
cancelText Cancel The text of the Cancel button
showCancel true A boolean controlling if the Cancel button is shown. If true, the Cancel button will be displayed, the "X" button will be in the title and the Escape key will cancel the wizard.
showPrevious true A boolean controlling if the Previous button is shown
showProgress false A boolean controlling if a progress bar is shown. If the wizard contains numerous steps, it may be friendly to display a progress bar to the user. This uses the bootstrap progress bar.
isModal true A boolean controlling if the wizard is presented as a bootstrap dialog. If false then the wizard will be presented precisely where it lives in the DOM.
autoOpen false A boolean controlling if the wizard is automatically opened when it is initialized. Typically this is only true when isModal is false.


The wizard is implemented as a jQuery plugin, so methods are called as such:

The following methods are available for a wizard instance:

Name Arguments Description
open n/a Opens the wizard on step one. This raises the onOpen event.
close n/a Closes the wizard. This raises the onReset, onClose events.
info text Displays the text with an alert-info css class
warning text Displays the text with an alert-warning css class
submit n/a Initates the submit sequence as if the last step is completed and there are no validation errors.
success text Displays the text with an alert-success css class
error text Displays the text with an alert-danger css class
end options This method is meant to be called at the end of the onSubmit event.
The options is an object:
{info:'', warning:'', success:'', error:'', autoClose:true/false/integer}
The info/warning/success/error will control the messages displayed. The autoClose controls if the wizard is automatically closed. If false, it is not closed. If true, it is closed after two seconds. If an integer is specified, it will close after that number of milliseconds.


Each step of a wizard can be validated before moving onto the next step. There are two mechanisms for validation:

  • Form validation
  • Custom validation

Form Validation

If the step contains a form element, the wizard will attempt to validate it. There are numerous plugins out there for form validation. The wizard is not dependent on any specific implementation. It will attempt to call a valid method and a validate method on the form object if they exist. If either method exists and returns false, the wizard will not advance to the next step. The wizard assumes the validation implementation takes care of updating the UI with errors.

Custom Validation

You can supply your own custom validation through the validators option. This takes an array of objects. The first property (step) is a 1-based index of the step it belongs to. The second property (validate) is a function that will be called when Next is clicked on that step. If it is the last step, it will be called when Submit is clicked.

The wizard looks for a return value of false from the validate function. Any other value is assumed to mean success and the wizard will move onto the next step. If the wizard receives false, it will remain on the current step. The custom validator is responsible to provide feedback to the user if there are validation errors. In the example below, the validator is writing the error to the wizard UI via the error method.


Simple shows the basic setup

Events shows all event hooks

No Modal shows the wizard without using modal dialogs

Kitchen Sink shows just about everything you can do with the wizard